Robert Sochacki

Vice President of the Bank’s Management Board, supervising the Corporate Banking, Markets and Investment Banking Division; the Business Banking Division; and Pekao Brokerage House

Graduate of the Faculty of Electronics at the Warsaw University of Technology and Canadian Executive MBA. Chartered financial analyst – CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst). He also graduated from IESE Business School - Advanced Management Program. 

He has been associated with the financial market for nearly 30 years. 

Since April 2015, President of the Management Board of Beta Securities Poland SA. – a company that supports the development of ETF funds in Poland. Previously, from July 2011 to April 2014, member of the Management Board of Opera TFI SA (where he was responsible for the area of private investments - private equity) and Opera Dom Maklerski. From June 2007 to June 2011 – Vice-President of the Management Board of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (responsible for supervision over the area of financial markets, financing of investment projects and sales). Additionally, he worked at PKO Bank Polski SA as Deputy Director of the Treasury Department and at Credit Lyonnais Bank Polska, where he managed the sales team in the Treasury Department. 

He has many years of experience on supervisory boards of capital companies. He sat on the Supervisory Boards of the following companies: Agiofunds TFI SA (member of the Risk Committee), PEKAES SA (member of the Audit Committee), SEKO S.A. (member of the Audit Committee), Krajowy Fundusz Kapitałowy SA, KUKE SA. 

He completed numerous trainings and courses in banking, management and finance. He was a lecturer at the Warsaw Institute of Banking.

Robert Sochacki meets suitability requirements determined in art. 22aa of the Banking Law Act.


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